Over the past few months, I have found myself considering the knotty issues of integration, citizenship and cohesion. Life in lockdown acts as a pressure cooker for the issues already present in society. Tensions have been bubbling up between communities, social classes, blue and white collar, young and old, and even within families and households […]

Behind the Headlines
Who would’ve guessed this time last year what 2020 had in store? Back in October 2019, we were in the midst of Brexit entanglements (okay, maybe little has changed there!). Then there was a general election, the economy started to pick up, and we began to hear about a disease in China. What a difference […]

We’re in extraordinary days: what’s my part to play?
As we face the current crisis around COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) more and more guidance is starting to appear, particularly advice to organisations and communities. Yet beyond the questions on gatherings and hand washing, there is always that internal preparation that we each individually need to consider, particularly as faith is a leading influence on our […]

The Treaty of Versailles is 100 years old – so what?
The Treaty formally ending the First World War was signed a hundred years ago, on the 28th June 1919. Most school children in the United Kingdom will learn about this event, yet it wasn’t really a long lasting treaty, as much of what it laid out was overturned within 20 years. So what’s the point? […]

It’s right in front of your nose! Faith-based activity in society
At FaithAction, we have an important role in getting behind what you – our members – are doing out in the streets and byways of our nation. This means we offer support by giving advice, channelling funding when we can, providing training and representing you to the public sector, government and politicians. As we are […]

When your project burns you out
Are you tired of doing good things? Does it seem like your efforts are never quite enough? Are you worn out by what’s in front of you? I was talking to a friend of mine, trying to suggest to him some different ways of working, when he reacted with, “If I don’t help those kids, […]

We don’t need more police to tackle knife crime – we need more society
It’s great to hear a ‘common sense’ answer: they are easy to understand and they make great sound bites. Political campaigns are built on common sense slogans and administrations are hobbled by trying to make them a reality. As we look at the disturbing rise in knife crime and deaths of young people in our […]
NHS pressures, faith organisations and community-based services – why won’t we use what’s already there?
Ten years on from the banking crisis and the start of austerity, cuts are still biting and the effects of real term reductions in spending are felt by most of us. Yet, we also know that the misuse of resources too has a huge effect – particularly when it comes to the NHS and social […]
Is building an integrated country the great challenge of our time?
At dinner last week with a number of friends from Eastern Europe, our conversation moved from the nerve agent attack in Salisbury to what patriotism meant to us and who felt they belonged and wanted to stay in the UK. My dinner companions were all skilled English speakers, but yet some did not feel they […]
When it comes to integration, removing barriers is essential – but people need a place to connect
The Government has released its long-awaited integration strategy, developed methodically behind the scenes with the close involvement of civil society organisations – including providers of community-based English programmes like Creative English. As Eric Pickles, former Secretary of State for Communities, said when the 2010 coalition government launched the community English programme: “If you can’t speak […]